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View or download our company brochure to find out more about S+SA Architects and how we can assist you in the design and delivery of your scheme.
Project: The design and delivery of a new glazed courtyard and mezzanine
Client: Tanyaco
Size: 101,000 sq ft
Status: Completed
A mixed retail project of single and two storey retail units totalling 101,000 sq ft. The development included a health club, bingo hall, bar/restaurant and shops, and the key challenge was to integrate these new buildings sensitively into an existing town centre setting.
Working closely with the main contractor Finnegan, S+SA Architect’s scheme successfully maintained and established street scene, while creating an identity for the new facilities.
Take a look at some of our other recent projects of this type. Or if you would like to know more on our core services please visit our Services page.
“Affordable Housing Schemes like those at Danby and Castleton are a tribute to the success of partnership working involving the National Park Authority, Parish Councils, Rural Housing Enablers, borough or district Councillors, landowners and others”
Feature article in the Moors Messenger - November 2009 edition