Spencer House, Shadwell
S+SA are proposing a new residential dwelling and part demolition and improvement of an existing dwelling on the site situated at the rear of Spencer House, Holywell Lane and Main Street in the village of Shadwell, Leeds. The design and massing of the proposal takes lead from the previously approved application and existing structures on site, whilst looking for improvements which fit with the current applicant’s design aspirations for the site.
The development aims to be sympathetic to the surrounding area, with its use of traditional materials and considerate massing which relate to the existing buildings on site. To maintain the privacy of neighbouring properties, the new dwelling is orientated towards the centre of the site, this along with the retention of the existing boundary treatments will ensure a considerate proposal is realised.
A mixture of red brick and stone properties have been sympathetically positioned on the site to provide a contrasting pallet of materials. A common and predominant theme of the local vernacular is the use of stone cills and heads, bay windows and slate effect roofing which is replicated within the finishes of the proposed development.