

Project Overview

Project: Extension and redevelopment of Weetwood Hall Hotel & Conference Centre
Client: Leeds University
Status: Completed

The design was for the refurbishment and extension of the hotel’s conference facility.

Part of the design response required the introduction of a new, highly recognisable independent conference access point.  This was designed using a hi-tech approach, with minimal structure and maximum light infiltrating the space.  The solution provides a modern contrast to the traditional architectural style of the building and introduces a set identity for the conference aspect of the development.

The design required an extension to the hotel including five extra conference rooms, twelve syndicate rooms, breakout areas, a new conference reception area and an extension to the main restaurant.

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“Affordable Housing Schemes like those at Danby and Castleton are a tribute to the success of partnership working involving the National Park Authority, Parish Councils, Rural Housing Enablers, borough or district Councillors, landowners and others”

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